Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hair Removal

Hair Removal Solutions and Treatment

To fully understand the delicate process of hair removal, we must first take a close look at how it grows and its intricate structure.

Hair Structure
Keratin is the basic component of them. It is the same material that makes up the outer layer of our skin and nails.
A single strand of curls is comprised of three unique layers:
  1. Medulla - The innermost layer that can only be found in large thick curls.
  2. Cortex - The middle layer that provides the texture, the color, and the strength of the curls.
  3. Cuticle - It is the thin and colorless outermost layer that covers and protects the cortex.
Structure of the hair root
The hairs root is enclosed inside a curls follicle and is found underneath the skin's surface. The dermal papilla can be located at the base of the hair follicle. Nourishment that is found in the bloodstream is directed toward the dermal papilla for the production of new curls and the reproduction of it. Since it contains receptors for androgens and male hormones, it is a highly important structure for curls growth. Hair growth and scalp hairs is regulated by Androgens where it causes hair to become finer and its follicles to be smaller in people who are hereditarily inclined to curls loss of this type.
The Hair Growth Cycle
There are repeated cycles necessary for curls follicles to grow. Each cycle consists of three phases:
  1. Anagen is the growth phase
  2. Catagen is the transitional phase
  3. Telogen is the resting phase
Every single strand of hairs goes thru each of the phases separate from the adjacent.
Almost 85% of curls is in the Anagen phase at any given time. This phase can last from 2 years up to 6 years. During this phase, any strand of hairs is implausible to grow more than 1 meter and can only grow up to 10cm every year.
During the Catagen phase, hairs follicles get smaller to about 1/6 of the standard curls length which lasts for about 1 to 2 weeks. The dermal papilla breaks away and rests below while the lower portion is dissolved.
Roughly 10-15 percent of all curls can be in the Telogen phase at any given time. While it does not grow, the hairs continues to stay attached to the follicle while the dermal papilla stays in a resting phase. This phase lasts for about 5-6 weeks.
Once the 3 phases are complete, the curls follicle begins to enter the Anagen phase once more. Old hairs is shed off. The base of the curls follicle and the dermal papilla fuse together and new curls begins to grow again. Any old hair that is still intact is pushed out to make room for new hair.
Unwanted hair
Men normally experience unwanted curls growth on areas such as the fingers, toes, lower abdomen, back, cheeks, chin, upper lip, even the pubis. There are many contributing factors to hair growth in these areas like genes, steroid or hormones, or even biological anomalies like high levels of male hormones (androgen).
Hair removal strategies
There are many methods of unwanted hairs removal available like going to male hair salons, prescribed medications, seeing a doctor, including purchasing over-the-counter products. However, these ways can only provide temporary relief as hairs in these areas would eventually return and grow back again.
Shaving is the oldest method of dealing with unwanted hair. While this method is quick and easy, it can cause ingrown curls in the pubic or facial regions which could result in rashes and skin irritation.
For shaping eyebrows and pulling a few stray hairs, Plucking is the way to go but this method is not advised for hair removal in large areas because apart from being impractical and time-consuming, Plucking is painful.
Though readily available, one must be very careful in using over-the-counter hairs removal creams. Some of these products contain chemicals that may dissolve the shaft but can also leave with you with surface burns. Not all creams are made for all body hair in general. One cream may be safe for facial curls but may not be suitable for other areas of the body like in pubic and armpit locations. These creams are not advisable if you and your family have a history of allergic reactions to certain chemicals. Do seek the advice of your doctor & try treating a small area first for testing if you suspect an allergic reaction.
Hot waxing
For hairs on the chest, back, and pubic regions, Hot waxing is an ideal method. You can do this yourself but because hot waxing tends to be messy and hair may break off or left behind. You can step into a salon and have it done for you by a professional.
Laser hair removal
Laser hairs removal is perhaps one of the most effective and longer lasting methods of curls removal but it does not come cheap as this requires a handful of treatment sessions before you meet your desired outcome. What it does is it uses a light pulse or a laser beam to destroy the hair bulb which may cause you to feel discomfort and pain. Unlike over-the-counter creams, this method can be used on many areas on the body. This type of treatment is not for everyone as this is only applicable for people with dark hairs and is not recommended for elderly people with greying and blondes. So, do seek a professional who is well knowledgeable with this method of treatment.

This comes with 2 primary methods of hair removal:
Galvanic - multiple sessions required using chemicals to destroy hairs follicle.
Thermolytic: heat is applied over the hair follicle to kill it.
Like laser treatment, this method can also be used to remove unwanted hair in all parts of the body. Be sure to locate a professional who is highly knowledgeable with this hairs removal treatment.
Oral medications
Oral medications are also available to reduce unwanted curls growth. They impede receptors inside your hair follicles to stop hair growth. Significant hairs reduction will be noticeable after you take the oral medication but these are known to come with side effects such as lowered libido as these pills such as Flutamide is an anti-male hormone drug.
Topical medications
For women's facial hair growth, there's a new topical cream that was recently approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) called Vaniqa® (eflornithine). It works by applying it topically to areas where unwanted facial hairs is present but may not work well on thicker hair. Hairs will come back when topical application is ceased so, this method will eventually become a daily routine pretty much like shaving.

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